In the past Ruger HAS listened to their customers, It ,of course, is not like that any more. While they may listen, they will not act, as they know better. Your wanting them to reinstate the 357 Max. is a far fetched one for sure, But hey, if you gotta dream, go for it. Not being critical of you jumpsteady, as I dream of such things all the time. From just sitting back and coming to my own conclusions, I would say the only way to at least have a chance would to persuade some distributer to pony up the dough for a distributer exclusive, i.e. the 44 special. That would mean a demand, I don't think the 357 max. is in all that big of demand. That, and the fact that a reason Ruger pulled that firearm to begin with was, because they felt they had Liability issue with the flame cutting on the top strap. Another point, If I am not mistaken, that the cartridge was brought out, is because they felt it had a promising future in silhouette competition. When was the last silhouette match you attended or heard of? Now the niche would be hunting and there really is no advantage in using a 357 max. There are trends and I think the trend still favors big bore sixguns. Heck, it seems the 5-shot 45 Colt is now bouncing of the big grizzlies we all have on our lower 48, back 40 hunting grounds. But hey, keep it going, your persistence may pay off. Good Luck