Thanks for the input so far guys. I use both a Bearing (in degrees) & Heading (in degrees) on most pages ie: when my bearing indicator "in degrees" shows my point is at 270 degrees as long as my heading is always about 270 I consider myself right on. My problem is that when I walking, holding the unit in front of me, the bearing degrees seem to jump around a lot even when I know I'm waking straight down a street due west. I know the compass needs to be held flat, but is it nessessary to hold the unit "flat" (level) for the other pages that show bearing & heading correctly. In my mind, as long as I am moving, it shoudn't matter whether I hold it flat or horizontal , it should show 270 & 270./ no? I'm trying to figure out what is normal with this unit, or if I have a dud.
I appreciate the feedback as I need total confidence in the unit in Manitoba's far north remote wildernesss. Thanks