I have a 228 in 9mm and bought the armorers tool. That works great, and allows me to install and adjust the sights easily. I installed Trijicon night sights in the green three dot pattern. They do show up well. However, I actually found I shot better at the range with the original bar/dot sights than I did with the three dot pattern. I also found the three dot pattern could be confusing in the dark when pulling up quickly to point. You tend to have both eyes open, and end up with mental confusion over which one of the dots is the front sight. That's why some have gone to a different color for one of the two sights. Since any shooting I might have to do in the dark will be home defence at across-the-room distances, I decided on a compromize. I left on the front Trijicon sight, and put the original white bar rear sight back on. Now I'm back to tight shooting at the range, and I still have that glowing front sight at night. I won't be able to get perfect sight pictures, but with proper stance and visibility of the front sight, I don't expect to miss center of mass at 15 feet! Besides, with an alarm system and two dogs, I'm hoping to get enough warning to have time to turn on the lights!