I heard something on the news the other day about how we already have socialism at the two extremes of our economy. One is welfare for the poor which we already know about. The other is corporate welfare, the bailouts of the banks and banking institutions and big business like GM and Chrysler. We the middle class have to say NO to all of it. I don't mind having a safety net for the poor, but it has gone too far. The poor can have cell phones, cable tv, etc. We are giving them too much especially the able bodied. And NO corporate welfare. If a company can't stay in business, it needs to fail. The assets sold to other like companies. Workers will have to find other jobs. The longest a resession or depression lasted in the 1800's is about 18 months. When the government gets involved, it drags it out much longer. We also have got to git rid of illegals draining our system.