If you are ever thinking of purchasing an antique or collectible firearm for an investment, then there is one simple iron-clad rule: Buy the highest condition that you can possibly afford. The ones in the highest condition are the ones that rise the fastest and highest in value, and also become rarer every year. (Gun collecting has become an international hobby now, and mega-millionaires are buying up everything nice and putting them away in their private collections forever. And, with each passing year, more and more guns are damaged by accident, exposure and abuse.)
A pre-64 Winchester in 80% condition is simply not in the category of a collectible firearm. You would not make any money on it for a long long time, and even then, it wouldn't be much. Lots of folks wouldn't even buy it as a shooter. It might make an excellent project gun, if you wanted to refinish, reblue and restore it. This would of course destroy its value as a collector, but would result in a nice shooter. However, I wouldn't pay more than $900 for it on that basis.
Hope this helps.