For those of you that live north of Bangor you understand where I'm coming from. IF&W DNR, passed a bill stating no trap with an inside DI of 5 3/8th will be set at ground level. Ok so out the window goes 300 # 3,4,5 and some of my 2's. I can use them on the water line. Then last year they stated all coni's are to be 4 ft off the ground and under water. Now How many cats like water? Any way it put a real hurt on the rat line and has put stop to the quick 110 set ups. I'm looking to voice my frustration and look into getting the law changed for the 110 to be set in water , but not completely submerged.......I mean 30 miles North in Canada they can kill every Lynx they get but no Bob cats, our bob cats have come and gone with the yote taking it's place. Any way anyone have any ideas .........