I believe many Americans have become Sheeple/Zombies, since it is much easier for them to be told how to think and act by others than to study, read, debate, and converse with people of differring view points and logically choose your own personal stance. The process starts in the school room and progresses on with the media, government, political parties, friends, local culture, etc. I find most people choose to be told what they should believe and they accept this as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is much to hard to check out the information and process it and come to a personal conculsion. Of course, your conculsion can or could be tainted by your own filters, ie: how you were raised, what culture you come from, political affiliations of famiily/friends, race, economic class, and etc.
Now the internet has been held up to be the information hiway, with all kinds of ideas and thoughts. But when you look at what much of the conversations sift out to be, you find only two diametrically opposed views and the other side is completely wacked. I have found myself talking with many differant people and I will make the statement that as long as a person has the basic needs of life meet; food in stomache, roof over head, warm clothes on back, beer/booze, and sex. They are happy with life and are unconcerned with whats happening in the country, with politics, their rights, etc. A friend of mine has done the same and found that most people don't care and don't want to talk about the situations that are happening in our country because they got their's and they don't care about anything else, or they just rant out the dribble of what they have been told. Ask them to tell you where they got this knowledge and they will tell you so and so told them!