after the initial shock and awe, it's a pussy cat! i have a 7 1/2" redhawk 44mag and a 15" encore. i'm thinking they are similar in recoil. i shoot full power 240gr loads in the redhawk, and 120gr noslers in the 7-08.
with the 7-08, it jumps pretty good, and has some muzzle rise, and maybe a little twist, but it doesn't hurt, or push straight back into the hand. i like it very, very much, and i think it has a good home from now on. one would think that a intense round such as that would be horrendous in a handgun, but it's not. of course, everyone is different, and thats just my opinion.
i also have a 14" 30-30 ackley improved contender. it's recoil is also comparable. they are just plain "not bad at all". sure wouldn't want a muzzle brake on any of those either. just not necessary, in my opinion. :yeah: :bye: