I would LOVE to buy each child a gun but when you have four (4) daughters like I do, the wife has other things she thinks they need to have. You know like American Girl Dolls, makeup, clothes, etc..... I do my best though and sneek one in now and again.
I did get a couple of funny looks at the range because of the pink stock but I didn't realize it at the time. My whole house is pink at this point so a stock that color doesn't even phase me

My two oldest daughters have had range time with me already and actually enjoy shooting. My third daughter gets to go this year and she is excited. I have a pink-stocked .22 that I use for teaching basic safety. Regreatably it's not a NEF but it works.
My oldest daughter has expressed interest in deer hunting this fall so that's why the gun is coming together now.
I'll keep you posted, with pics of course, as we progress down this adventure.