Yes, Gary, it is indeed very fortunate that you are married to a good woman who's temperment is closer to Molly Pitcher's than some nameless diva. You would have been pushing up daisies long ago if you married a less tolerant woman!
Now, to address a more timely topic, I have to remind you, I believe, that mere toying with boards, silicone and chunks of bee's wax and paraffin, is beginning to wear a little on your potential customers. Frankly, some of us are wondering if you are preparing a display of wax sculptures for the International Exposition of Wax to be held next month in Argentina? To put it in terms even you can understand, "Will there be any
BRONZE coming from this Backyard Bronze Cannon Casting Foundry you have so laboriously set up??
Maybe you should get Quasimodo, the hunchback to help you melt metal if you ever engage in that activity again, I think Mike and I have forgotten the technique over these four, long, months past.
Your faithful friends,
Mike and Tracy