Well, here in southeast KY the season ended Feb. 28. The weather has been awful, lots of rain, flooding, snow and ice, more than we’ve had in years. It was checking froze traps and washed out traps, resetting traps and missing traps (which I found). The critters didn’t stir much because of the bad winter but I stuck with it and checked my line daily. Cleaning all my traps now, boiling, scrubbing, redying and waxing. Here’s what I caught this season:
3 skunks
6 coons
10 possums
1 mink
1 yote
various other critters
Hate to see the season end but can’t wait for it to start up again. Thanks for looking at my posts and pics and thank everybody on GBO for all their help, advice, baits and lures. Being away from it for over 25 years, I needed the help. Looking forward to the Fur Takers Convention so I can buy some more good stuff.
Thanks everyone,