It's pretty hard to beat RCBS or Redding equipment. I won't support Lee in any way, for every product they produce that works as advertised, they make three more that are shyte. I have a hard time supporting such a company, no matter how effective some of their products prove to be.
Keep an eye out on Ebay for a good used press, it will still last you forever. I dislike the kits because you pay for the balance beam scale in all of them and the money spent on a digital is money very well spent. I would look for a press used, buy a new digital scale, and get a case prep kit plus the dies you need. Hornady makes excellent rifle dies for the money, they have some features that others of similar price lack. If money is no object, I've found Redding products to be superior to the other common makers, but I haven't used Forrester or CH4D much.