TM7-so the arms race between the US and the Soviets was ploy to build up each others arms as if we were "fighting" each other, but in reality they were secretly working together to build up arms against some other enemy they had in common?
Interesting thought if it's true. Is that what you're alluding to?
Lot written on this 'agreement' actually...and notice how the soviet experiment was stopped after about 70 years. Not exactly a third enemey,,,firstly just to make enormous money, scare people, keep control of things and edge toward the nwo one world of their design.. The nwo guys have always had a problem with the USA holding things up...due to individualism and spirit, the Constitution, the equality ethos, democracy, sense of fair play, wealth and success, etc...this they have pretty much degraded and shredded while opting to shunt to a new enemy, i.e. radical muzzie naziesque extremism which necessitates creation of the American security state (they tell us!)...seems the american easily buys into this stuff with adequate stimuli and the dichotomy or Hegelian method of herding public consciousness....a form of mass mind control or mass hypnosis...