Author Topic: New guy Question?  (Read 386 times)

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Offline bryan

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New guy Question?
« on: November 12, 2003, 06:58:20 PM »
I have been reading these post for a few days now. And I am starting to get real interested in trapping. I have a red fox on the back of our land that I am after for personal reasons( he ate my duck). What would be the best way to get this guy? I have read post about different sets and such but don't know how to do them. I went the library today with no luck on trapping books. How do you de-scent a steel trap, what is a dirt hole set and how do you make it. I have horses so I have plenty of manure to use. I also have some bobcats roaming the area also. Any books that can help me? Thanks for your time.
All of your stories are great to read!


Offline Wackyquacker

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Duck killers
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2003, 03:23:43 AM »
Nothin I hate worse than a duck a matter O fact I'm going duck hunting myself this weekend. :-D

Ya know to answer your questions PICs are almost essential at least for the dirt hole set...but we'll give it a go.  Before I forget, email Asa Lenon ( and tell him your story; he has a how to sheet on setting for fox which I believe he will email you and it will help.  Also, you will probably find his super call all fox lure very good!

To clean traps all you got ta do is clean em  :-D; boil in water, in unscented soap, in borax, in Saniflush (lye) etc is one way.  Some take them to the carwash others who are trying to end a bad marriage run them through the dish washer.  If they are clean and you just want to make dang sure they are free of odor you can soak them in hot water with some Clorox added followed by  a rinse in hot water.  

Now after they are clean you will probably want to coat them some swear by cold dips some swear at them, those that swear at dips like wax.  Wax has a fast return time (when cool they’re ready) dip (fuel type) need to hang for a period (can't say for how long I hang mine for a couple of months in hot sun) and then there is formula one which is a latex type product.  You're probably best waxing for the duck eater.

For books, well, there are a bunch out there you will need a basic starter book for sure two come to mind in a hurry Hal Sullivan’s Canines 2000 and Dobbins Variations of the dirt hole I recommend both.  From there you can branch to any advanced / specialty texts...maybe Slim Pederson or O'Gorman and the like.  The nice thing about this forum is others will chime in and tell you the books and authors they like.

I'm gonna stop and let some one else do the hard work...splain a dirt hole set with out pics :twisted:

You keep your questions coming and we'll keep the lite on, wait a while that's not right...oh you know what I mean  :D
 :D  :D  :D

Offline bryan

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New guy Question?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2003, 03:50:30 PM »
Thanks for the reply WQ I will start by getting the trapps I do have cleaned up and go from there. We have a good book store here, so I guess I will have to by them instead of checking them out of the library, I can always put them with the other books the library didn't have. Starting to get a good library of my own started.

Offline KYtrapper17

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New guy Question?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2003, 03:51:24 PM »
Books are good, but I think videos are even better cause you can actually see someone make a set. Miranda has very good videos. There are ads for them in the Fur-Fish-Game Magazine. Check them out.

I am no expert by far, but I know a little bit. Find out if snares are legal in your state, and look into using them. There are many books and videos on snaring. Someone might know a good one. But be sure that snares are legal in your area before using them.

I will also leave the explaining a dirt hole up to a more experienced trapper. :wink:

Good Luck,
Zach Ellis
Trapping ain't a sport; It's a way of life

Offline Wackyquacker

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Books and videos
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2003, 06:22:49 PM »
Bryan, Boggy boy has books and videos (some of them are about trapping and not he-in and she-in  :-D )  His banner is at the top of the index give him a call I'll bet he can get you set up as fast or faster than anyone.  Oh yeh he also carries Asa's lures.

Offline jim-NE

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New guy Question?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2003, 03:25:10 AM »
Post me a private message w/your address. I'll mail you a "book" I am writing. Its still in rough draft form, and was actually intended to be for my boys in case something happens to me (so that I could still "teach" them to trap in the event I'm not physically around to do that). Has pics from my line, covers all the species in my little corner of Nebraska, and what sets I use...including a section on fox. It's about 300 pages in present form. Again, this thing is in rough draft form, but I can burn it to a CD and mail it to you. Is in Microsoft Word 2000 format, but could also burn that to .pdf, text, htm, html, or whatever format you prefer it in to be able to read it on your own PC.
In case you are wondering, no charge, no strings....just have some info already in a readable format and thought I would share and hopefully could help you out if you want it.

Offline frozentoes

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New guy Question?
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2003, 12:44:58 PM »
jim-if it isn't to much to ask, I would like a copy of the book. I am a CO native not far from you. I now live in WI. All I can say is, if you can catch furbearers in your wide open country, you are good. Thanks. Mike