All I can say is wow! The "moderators' and administrators are throwing rocks at each other.
Some are accusing well spoken moderate statements of being 'hate'. GB himself has put himself in the category of those feeling it's OK to insult peoples' ancestors. He equates comments concerning Israeli control and influence with being ant-Jewish, and thus hating Jews. Let me explain that being Jewish does not mean you believe Israel has any special place in the world. I know a majority of Jews probably do. You can be Jewish without believing in Israel. Judaism existed quite well and quite successfully up until WW2 without an Israel. Judaism is a faith, Zionism is the belief that that faith should have a national homeland in Israel. There is much discussion in Israeli and Jewish newspapers and media about these same issues; does that make them anti-Semites? Does wanting control of our borders make us anti-Mexican or anti-Catholic? Of course not. The careless confusion of Judaism and Zionism is used as a club by those who would defend Israeli actions against US interests and policy by screaming anti-Semitism, just as a Black lawmaker who under criticism would scream racism. Cheap tricks to fool the rubes.
My observation and the observations of other posters is that any complaint about Israel is taken as an attack on their religion. If I was to complain about Red Chinese influence, spying, and internet sabotage, would I be accused of being anti-Chinese?
I believe Americans should put American (USA) issues and priorities first. I think that Americans of Jewish faith, and Americans of all faiths and national origins should put the well being of our country first and foremost, always. If they have a problem with that, they shouldn't be too surprised if somebody notices and calls them on it. People who swear allegiance to the US Constitution and then go to work for another country and to the detriment of our country are traitors.