I had a similar problem with an ultra light rifle built by a very well known firm. The rifle was guaranteed to fire sub moa and the guy sent a box of ammo, but no targets. On first inspection this particular rifle had a major flaw in the metal work, and the stock looked like it was an apprentices project. I called the guy and sent it back. When it was returned the metal work was cleaned up and looked great, but someone had taken that same stock and made it worse. It was simply unbelievable it was ever allowed to leave the shop. At the bench the rifle was a 1 1/2" shooter, and yes I have shot a lot of 1/2" and smaller groups. The guy stonewalled me and refused to correspond, so I sent the POS back to him and filed a claim with my credit card company. Thank heavens I used that card. After a year of headaches I finally got my money back. That guy is still advertising. Not sure what went wrong but I don't believe that is the quality he built his business on. I have had 5 custom rifles, 4 made to order for me. Two shot as they were represented, and two were real disappointments. I don't know that I will ever bother with another custom, but if I do, it will be with someone who guarantees his accuracy and provides targets and load data, along with good references. That said I have 3 Coopers that all shoot 1/2", or better, as guaranteed.