I made it to the range today with the new 260 Rem Superlight, got there a little after 9am, sunny and bright, just me and the range officer there, what more could I ask for but a good shooting report, and I got that!!!

Set up on a 25yd target since the scope was only bore sighted, shot a 140gr Rem factory round and it looked good in the black, shot another just for confirmation and it either went thru the same hole, or I missed the entire target and backer..... but that didn't happen, upon close examination the hole was a wee bit taller than wide.

Moved to 50yds and shot a round which was about 4" high, dropped it down a few inches moved over and set up on the 100yds range.
1st three shots with the Rem factory ammo gave me a group just slightly under 1"!!!

Let it cool a bit, then started shooting the Berger 130gr VLD Hunting handloads, groups ranged in size from ½"-1¼", some I only shot 2 shots to keep the barrel cool so I didn't have to wait so long between shot strings since I only had one rifle with me, usually I take several rifles to shoot while one is cooling off, but they have a one target rule listed on their website which I learned after I got there that they allow two targets. Worked my way up from 38gr to my max load, but got to 41gr and primers were getting a little flat, so I decided to shoot 41½gr and call it quits, the 41½gr load was the sweet spot.

So much for Superlights not shooting good!!
