One option folks may not be aware of as far as expressing your concern over these policies is your church. The Department of Defense recognizes several hundred churches and denominations as endorsing agencies for Chaplains, so there is an avenue of influence through those channels to voice your concern. Those several hundred groups actually represent most of America (i.e. Lutheran, Catholic, Southern Baptist, Methodist, etc.). If your church feels strongly about this issue, run it up to the national office and have them address it at that level. It will go to the Chief of Chaplains office in the Army, Air Force, and Navy who will in turn advise their respective Commanders, who comprise the JCS. I believe the JCS is against any change to current policy and is already balking at the SECDEFs ideas. They may appreciate hearing from a different community.
I remain opposed to mainstreaming anything in the military that is not mainstreamed in society. We should not be changing culture, we should be a reflection of our national culture. And despite the media's best effort, homosexuality has not mainstreamed and remains taboo for most of America.