I carry concealed because I don't want anyone to know I have one, including the police...what people don't know won't hurt me one bit.
That being said, if I did live in a place where lot's of people carried openly, it would be more normal to everyone. We all are different, police officers all completely different too, nobody thinks the same.
There are some wingnuts out there that don't mind attracting attention to themselves and want to wear them in the open when nobody else does...guess if the State see's fit they can change the law, otherwise there is not much anyone can do about it. There are also some good people that would rather wear them on the outside too, maybe if more people did it, it would not be such a big deal, it certainly does not scare me the few times I have seen a person with it on the outside here. I am also armed 99 percent of the time, but nobody knows. I like it that way.
I notice the police in these parts are all different, some think nobody but them should have a gun (very few, but some), some would rather actually see them, because they know lot's of people are packing, they just don't know who...and some don't care either way, they know darn well Michigan is a gun State and know the laws. They deal with it.
That being said....I would not run at a cop with a gun on my hip in the open either.
To the other side of that, anyone points a gun at me, they best use it, including a cop, because I don't like guns pointed at me...unless I do something dumb,...in which case I would expect it. I'm lucky enough to live in a state where civilians can defend themselves from ANY threats, no matter what or who.
The police do not have it quite that good in this state...they should, but they get scrutinized a whole lot more than we do in simple self defense cases. That's a shame. Like Bubbinator says...you can pretty much tell a nut anyways.