CZ is a good basic rifle...but like all, it needs work before it is useable. The action needs to be glass bedded (well epoxy beded we cannot get the 'right' stuff in Africa), and everything needs a little polish. Many CZ's give feeding trouble when worked fast...nothing that cannot be fixed. Mind you so did the Ruger 77's in .416 rigby a few years back- killed the Rugers reputation in Africa and haven't seen a new one in years (the .458 Lotts worked just fine!!!!)
Also, I personally don't like the long barrel. Every PH that Brings me a CZ gets talked into a barrel shotening unless they are over 6'2" (I am only 5'8"). On the Lott I like to cut Barrels down to 21" and on the .416 to 22"
Scope- If you plan on a dual purpose rifle for both plains game and buff, go for a Leupold 1,5-6 (or even a 2,5-8) a S&B 1-8 or Nikkon 1,5-6. For alot of plainsgame you will find 6x far more useful than 4x! Also for buff you really don't need a 1,1 or even 1,5 power - as a client 2,5x will see you just fine. For ele and, now you want the ability to shoot with both eyes open.