Hello coyote joe,
First off I have to admit that the original specs for the #3 S&W 44 special are 10-20% higher than the 1895 nagant. However Ivan has never been a fool. Ivan has been exploited, abused, mistreated, illiterate, uneducated, underpaid, and fought invaders, but has never been a fool. During the winter when those heavy gloves have been needed Ivan has gone on defense and let the weather kill more enemies than most people would think possible. At the time the Nagant was first ordered I have no doubt that bribery was prominent getting it accepted. It was never made in double action for general issue, officers only, double action was made possible at the arsenal when refurbished. The nagant was almost a lb lighter than the 44 and ammunition was also lighter. As far as I know neither was designed as a hunting catridge. With practice I have no doubt you may be able to load a cap and ball faster than a nagant can be reloaded. Ivan though is going to be standing there while you are loading your six shooter while he still has the seventh shot left in his cylinder. Perhaps consideration might be given to wether you can get 7 rounds out of your cap&ball as quickly as Ivan can out of his nagant. (It was supposed to be a military sidearm) I think we are comparing pickups and station wagons, different designs for different uses, with each of us happy with what works. (I am not fond of cap and ball or heavy firearms.) As I said earlier I am going to reload at about 2/3 of 32 H&R for plinking in the woods and will repost when I do. I think it is a hoot to shoot now and an looking forwards to a lighter load. Lastly, this thread has been the most fun I have had in awhile and I am not being facetious when I say I do value your opinions.
I can smell coffee and my wife's choclate chip cookies coming out of the oven.
Thanks for the discussion,
Berlin Brigade
Spandau Guard (1968)