This is a great project guys, my club sponsored a Picnic/shooting outing last year and and a bunch of range officers, myself included. all volunteered to assist. It was a full day of shooting, rifles (mostly AR's) at the rifle range and shotguns on the trap and skeet ranges. We also had a big picnic for the Vets. They all came in a big VA bus from the VA Hospital and many where in wheel chairs and missing limbs. We instructors supplied the AR's and the club supplied the ammo. I brought a couple of retro Viet Nam era AR's that really brought smiles (and tears) to a few. It turned out the Vets in wheelchairs were more comfortable with the AR's with short "entry" stocks so I have been building up 2 more retro guns with Rock River Arms entry stocks for them to use this year. A great time was had by all and I don't know if we the volunteers, or the Vets got more out of it. As they were loaded onto the bus I quickly gathered the range officers together on the side of the dirt road at the range and as they drove by we all gave them a slaute. Talk about smiles!!! many saluted back, a couple waved, and those smiles from guys who gave so much for our country was worth every long hot dusty minute and more. We recieved a nice letter from the guys after they got back from the hospital as well as a letter from the nurse who came with them saying that the visit/shoot/picnic at our little club was the best time they had had all year, that they were still talking and kidding each other about it and the shooting ability of each other and that they were looking forward to next year. So are we, I can hardly wait...It's a great cause guys, get involved, you will be glad you did....<><....

While we were at the rifle range a friend of mine, a Lieutenant on the local PD came by in uniform to meet the guys, shake thier hands, and thank them for thier service. Just a few short weeks before this, his son, a marine L/Cpl, was killed in combat in Iraq. His son Nick was buried just 2 weeks before this Steve was walking around shaking hands the word got out about his son and all the Vets were especially thankful for Steve's visit.....
Happy Easter to everyone....<><....