Good one, Dee...I'll add that the Cow Creek Tribe of the Lower Umpqua has now found it profitable to welcome the interlopers (white man) back onto their tribal lands ...for the purpose of spending their money at the Casino! Talk about making lemonade when life deals you lemons. Many Tribal Councils have gone this route, and being as how the land is Sovereign Territories, a good Casino can begin to pay back a bit of the heartbreak and misery that has been caused. In the end, I like your way better...if you are one of the invaders, get out, practice what you preach. BTW, TM7, you are very keen on this subject, enough to read Genesis and discover that God gave this very land to the one man who remained faithful to him thru his whole life, and through his seed, it was given to the Jewish people as long as they were a race. Check out Abraham's story, it's a good one! Title of this post, "Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza strip"...that seems like a very low key response to Hamas for the ongoing and constant attacks they perpetuate against the Jews. I'm sure everyone heard of the courage shown by the son of the top man in Hamas...he has denounced Islam, has converted to Christianity, and says that the Muslims main problem is the so-called religion of Islam! False God, false Prophet, false teachings, keeping them as low class people and continuously stirring up hatred thru their ignorance.......