Author Topic: I am joining the Remington family again. I got it today. turns out it's new!  (Read 2480 times)

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Offline teddy12b

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Congrats on the new rifle!

Offline Swampman

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Excellent choice and a great rifle!
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Offline HogFan

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I found a gun identical to that about 18 months ago at a pawn shop back home. I could have had it for $425, but was about $100 short at the time. I really wish I would have bought that gun though. Nice find.

Offline ourway77

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I have said the very same thing several times, never stuck to it. There's always one I just had to have, when I was younger I would sell my soul to get it. But now in my later years I have been blessed to be in a position not to sell one rifle to buy another. That is why I have some in places other than my 2 safes. getting back I bought a 6-284 rifle a while back it was a re-chamber from a varmit special 700 BDL 6MM I put a stock I got off the net and it is one dynamite shooter. I've had several 700 varmit rifles years past and all right out of the box were really VG shooters. But now I have been bitten by the savage bug, they will give Remington a run for the money when it comes to out of the box accuracy. was a time when I had three guns 1 22, 1 rifle, and 1 shotgun when squirrel season came around no problem the shotgun or the 22, when Deer season came I would grab the rifle. Today I have a hard time deciding what to deer hunt with, life was so simple then. So Remington, or savage both are equaly fine rifles. When I was young I couldn't sleep the night before Deer season, now I have a problem waking up. God Bless all. Lou
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Offline sniperVLS

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Welcome back to the Big Green family Dale!

**Sorry this reply is a bit late, haven't been around for a while but that's changing as of this weekend.

I might have to come visit soon and pop some chucks with ya!

Happy 4th!

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Welcome back to the Big Green family Dale!

**Sorry this reply is a bit late, haven't been around for a while but that's changing as of this weekend.

I might have to come visit soon and pop some chucks with ya!

Happy 4th!
Come on over. I have 5 or 6 farms I can hunt. Dale
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