That old logging road NORMALLY will be traveled by almost all coyote, fox, cat, coon. It sounds like a real good spot to me. If the old log is the main salient feature, then it should be a good set location.
Question: How far from this set is the stream? I like to set where junctions intersect. Where the road meets the stream might be an excellent location since animals traveling along the stream might not go up the logging road but instead continue down/up the stream bank. Those that come along the logging road will wind up where it crosses the stream and you might double your chances at that location.
Question: You mentioned you put the stick with lure on it at in front of the hole and against the jaws of the trap. Why? Would it be better to put the stick either at the backing or even down the hole even with mack in the hole? The way you have it now, are you crowding the trap pan a little to much and are you giving the canine the opportunity to knock the stick with lure over on your trap and then have him roll on it? Or will he miss your pan with the stick "pushing" him a little to far away?
The hardest way to learn is from my mistakes-but sometimes, it is the only way I remember to do it correctly. :wink: