Dragging up an old one here, but I have a couple questions:
I see that Rayzor is no longer actively posting, so we can't find out how his 340 came along, BUT
I have a Stevens 325C, and I really got a liking for it.
so, when I saw a 340 junker for training, I grabbed it also.
this 340 chamber is destroyed., mag missing, lower metal missing, and ejector parts are gone, but the rest is there, albeit some rust!
I'm going to try my hand at parkerizing.
I've not taken the 325 apart yet, so can't tell the difference on the two but the 340 trigger group pins are not staked, or clipped, just friction fitted, and were easily driven out.
from this, I'm able to tell the relationship of the parts, and where they'd need polishing.
another thing I noticed, is that although the sear lifts the striker as the trigger is pulled, to lessen creep, one could remove the depth of the sear shelf, without changing any angles. As long as there was enough shelf there that the safety would hold the trigger back enough to keep it engaged, the safety would work as designed.
my safety catch is also just stamped metal, and the teat that holds the trigger is not 90 degrees. It "Could" be bent more to make a tighter fit, thereby not allowing as much trigger movement, and then the shortened shelf of the sear would be of no concern.
once polished and shortened, the trigger would "Feel" much lighter, and yet not be that much different.
a bit of polishing of the striker engagement would only smooth it up a tad, and also cause no harm.
if the trigger works as planned, I may look into swapping them out.
if anyone is interested, I can take pics of what I'm talking about. I can lay the parts out in their position so the relationship is visible, if you can't see from the schematics.
I cannot access any exploded schematics where I am now, but will when I get more unlimited access.