A little more info. It is a South Bend 9" Model A with 4 1/2' bed. 34" between centers, 3/4" through bore, 12 spindle speeds 41 - 1250 rpm, threads (48 pitches) 4 to 224, gear driven, tail stock top set-over 5/8", power feeds, both ways, w/48 speeds. It comes with a steady rest and a 3 jaw chuck, maybe a 4 jaw too, not sure on that, tail stock chuck, tool holders, live center, etc. there is a plastic tote full of tooling. It is 110V and he is asking $400. I think I am going to get it. I am going to be a home hobbiest, so I am not in a big hurry to get 'er done. I figure if I made a big mistake, I can sell for what I got in it. I asked him why he was selling it, and he said he got a bigger one and just wanted to get it out of his shop. Sure would like to one of those special Gun Smith Lathes, but 3K + is hard to justify for what I want to do, maybe some day. BTW I live in the NE corner of Indiana, North of Fort Wayne about 20 miles or so.