I should think a nice .22 would be a better 'starter' for young kids. The .44, especially with a short barrel, will probably not do much to put the love of shooting in their blood. I got my son a .22 Henry lever action youth model; and to coax my wife into the shooting hobby years ago I bought her a Ruger Mk1 off my Dad that I'd sold him years prior. The .22 is the best place to start for newbies. Practically every kid who learns to shoot learns on a .22. It's cheap, you can shoot it all day long without painful repercussions, and did I mention it's cheap? Get them something fun, like a Henry, or a 10/22, or maybe one of the .22 AR designs. The .44 mag is not a good starter for kids. And another thing is you mentioned that they wanted to learn to shoot a rifle, but you got them a revolver. We all know that it is considerably more difficult to become proficient with a handgun. A nice handy light carbine is much easier to get good with. Good luck whatever you decide to do, but I hope you reconsider before you let that little girl drop the hammer on a .44 mag as her first taste of shooting!