You know, I've always been an occasional club shooter. I've never been to a Super Shoot, and I'm never gonna be. Shooting like they do has an almost supernatural quality to it. I've never come close.
But, I know that the WINNING world championship aggregate in the IBS 100 yd for 2009 was barely under .2 (.1915). Pretty much everybody else in the 2009 competition was in the .2s and .3s.
If THESE guys shoot .2s and .3s, it seems that those might just be pretty fine scores. Considering everybody on that list has sponsors, free stuff, gozillion dollar optics, etc., I'm just going to have to be satisfied with my occasional bug hole as pure luck, and something significantly larger for me as not only my good, but pretty darn good, groups. I'm usually happy if I can keep them under a nickel on a calm day, and under an inch on windy days, or really hot or cold days.
BTW, my next barrel will be a 30 BR, if I ever get back to that type of shooting.
Funny part about this..A person with a good Handi can compete in some of the local matches...and you don't have to spend $2-$4K to do it..I'm not talking about doing this on a National level..but..if you are doing it at the sportsman level in local events..there's no reason not to try if you want. Technique..Technique..Technique..from reading the set up pulling the trigger..This is what it takes...Sure it's harder since it is a break action..and your doing it with a rifle that was never intended to be used at that level..but when you have a load that is consistently accurate at or under .3" the only thing holding you back is you...and the look on the faces of those you are shooting against is priceless...It's the mind set you have to over come...
yours...and their's...This is why I treat all of mine like they were BR rifles...Some have worked..some haven't..but they all are given the exact same treatment so they can give the optimum results.
I love it when I am asked..." You paid how much for that thing ? "...
These rifles when they shoot exceptionally me..are just as good as a $4k rifle...why...because at the end of the day it doesn't matter how much you paid..but how small a group you can shot...
consistently...also it doesn't matter how little you spent for it..because this is just more icing on the cake..I hunt with these I want the most accurate rifle I can make it into as well..I also know that having one that shoots bug hole groups is something to cherish..It doesn't happen all the time...which makes the ones that do even more special..because I know I have made it happen..It's a since of accomplishment..and a matter of pride knowing I have taken a sub $300 rifle and turned it into one worth a lot more..
I've shot many local matches with guys spending thousands on their rigs...While I've never walked away with first place over all yet..I have walked away knowing full well I had a absolute blast competing..and put on a good showing of myself and rifle Some of those I've shot against walked away with a new found respect for these little rifles..especially after talking to them...Many have bought a few of them for themselves or family members...
I will say one thing...I will take the vast majority of guys some I have had exchanges with there..Many of them live and breath that sport..and they live in their own little world of what is acceptable or not..To some of them..if you haven't spent $$$$ on your rifle..then you aren't even worthy of talking to..and these rifles of ours is a joke..That's a shame..cause it is their loss..
One day I would love to see some type of a
Get Together or GtG as some say..just for those of us who shoot these rifles exclusively..That would be an absolute blast..