There are people here in the U.S. making excuses for and trying to minimize the crimes of Islamic terrorists..don't listen to their "trash talk", it is apparently just propaganda aimed a smoothing the path for Islam here.
Europe is in bad shape now, but the lies of "political correctness" won't allow them to tell the truith. I believe there is one thing which could save Europe from being plunged into the dark ages and that is for Europe to get back to it's roots with a Christian revival. One can only compete with a faith based movement that offers slavery witrh a faith based movement which offers freedom (John 8:32).
Sadly, Europe has found themselves in this mess because they abandoned the truth many years ago. Today, we find people here in the U.S. trying to subvert the truth of the Bible and Christ. They offer Darwin, Nietsche, Bhudda and the notion that our founding fathers were not really dedicated Christians..but rather unbelievers or diests.
We see some even here trying to offer "another gospel" (Galatians 1:
, such things as Gnosticism or the "DaVinci Code" heresy...which is only intended to weaken Christianity, paving the way for the gross error Europe has fallen into.
Let me tell you now brothers; if you stand for'll fall for anything !
Here is an enlightening article (already checked out with Snopes), which should open the eyes of many.