I'm a leisure time fisherman, I like to relax in the boat and take my good old time. Most of the summer is spent panfishing and drifting for walleye.
But for the past 3 years I've found the perfect past time for me, Sturgeon fishing! For 5 or 6 weeks in the fall here in central Wisconsin we have sturgeon season, it's perfect for me, just kick back and wait for the fight of a lifetime. A 50-60 inch fish can keep you busy for half an hour or so with heavy equipment. I'm catch and release so I can fish the whole season,but it ends Oct. 15 every year.
So I'm interested in trying catfishing to satisfy my need for fighting fish in the summer months. Once in a while I catch a cat while sturgeon fishing, the biggest being a 32 inch channel cat and he didn't fight to bad.
What I need to know is where would I look for information on the best places to fish on the mississippi river between Red Wing Minn. and La Crosse Wis. for flatheads? Where can I get maps? Where are the best places to put in and everything else I'll need to know on fishing the Mississippi, I've never been on it and I'd hate to get lost or something. Any help would be appreciated.
thanks donzov