I told myself last season, never again by myself, and never again all in one weekend. It wrecks me physically - too hot, dehydrated, exhausted.
So Friday I disced by myself and Saturday had help. I forgot to remind myself that just because I wasn't fertilizing this time, I was still shoveling and spreading lime by slinger, which is a lot more work! The help left after lunch and the seeding and final grading were left to be done by me.
I tried different methods of seed spreading, but ended up doing it again by shoulder mounted hand spreader. Too hot! I was beat.
Sitting on the tractor going over and over the exposed seed dragging a 20' length of chain length fence, making the fields look smooth as glass, I got real tired. Ihope the hog trapping the State is doing adjacent to me will keep the hogs from tearing up the fields as they so often do.
At the end of the day, more work had been expended over the same plots and I was more tired than last year. Well, I at least made it through another planting.
Now, let it rain...