The grants will cover the basic earth work...some of the grants are matching and includes volunteer labor,material and equipment. some restrictions on labor and equipment fees, for instance, volunteer labor can only be charged at $10 a hour.
The land hunt has been on for some time. State School trust lands were looked at and found. Beyond agricultural use, they are prohibitively expensive.
Bottom land with few exceptions is not flat ground, and if it is flat it is cultivated. If the ground around here is good enough for a rifle range it is good enough for farming. There is a reluctance to grant a lease for the club by private land owners. The don't have aversion to a shooting club, they are just reluctant to grant access to their property to people they don't know.
We don't have our non profit status yet, but should by years end.
We are only going to dig out the west end for a firing line, the east will be the impact zone. Both ends right now ar 30 degree bank turns.
There is plan to put a berm down the middle so half the range could be use for pistols and half for rifle all at the same time