My personal thought is ..... every thing was so laid back that every one was trying to exterminate the vermin (AKA Gophers)surrounding the Fort . I told my crew to let the lessor guns have fun while we hung back for the final termination .
Unfortunately wind , an ill wind @ that , blew our previous days carefully measured, finely tuned calculated hit zone plum out of the picture .
The second hour of shooting brought about better results , as a few of the cannon shooter had softened up the top support . As a result my heavy mortar took off quite a bit the top of fortress .
We drove the rats to ground if not to submission .
That's my story and I'm sticking to it .
Have to add : I loved meeting the new faces , and enjoyed renewing contact with the old . Fun to finally put faces to names on the board.
Beware : DD has the making's for a killer BB Mortar in my Shed . It may take 2 years to complete it but , it will be a killer force against the Evil Empire protected Fort Pallet and the Black Flag Flying scoundrels there in !