You may not realize it but your East coast shoot is about to get bigger. And it will continue to grow.
Like it our not these are two events are GBO shoots and one does compete with the other. When we discussed this last year I said I would not put on a shoot when you hold an east coast shoot. I though we agreed to that.
I don't expect anyone to come from the East coast to Montana, any more than I would expect anyone from California would go to VA for a cannon shoot., but they might, once.
Because it is so far up herer I have always billed this as a vacation trip. You have to make a commitment to come here. It's not a weekender. I don't want the guys to be forced into a an either or situation. The guys I am thinking most about are between here and there. A guy in the east or mid east is more likely to plan a trip out here if there isn't a shoot east. He might even go east one year and west then next.
Also because it is so far I won't do a shoot every year. It's just to much to ask for folks to travel here every year.
I am going to the east coast in March April but only because the Daughter in law asked for some help. I am taking a pop can mortar if it gets finished, and golf ball Mortar for sure for the granddaughters to bomb fish in the fish pond. I do have plans to attend the IMA Warehouse tour and Victorian Rifleman shot. As we go through Pulaski depending on where we are in our schedule we may stop for coffee. But our time is pretty much planned for going east this year.
Tuesday I am going to have use my very best sales skills to convince the club to have the shoot on the new range. I have to be able to convince the people will come. The club is in the process of building a new range. If they know they have to get the range done in time for the shoot they won't drag their feet like they have in the past. If people don''t show after that there will never be another.