Seacoast Artillery Company is providing the Prize to the 'One Shot, Closest to the Stake Contest' at this years Cut Bank Cannon Convention II in Montana. We thought and thought of what would constitute an appropriate and worthy prize. Finally, we came up with a " Bundle of Books". After winning this unknown yardage contest where the distance to the stake will be measured from wherever the projectile stopped, you can start answering your own questions and maybe a few for some newbies, as well. The bundle of five new books is composed of our very favorite of all time, the excellent overall archive of all artillery used in the Civil War, Warren Ripley's, Artillery and Ammunition of the Civil War , No. 1 and four other essentials, most of which we use at least weekly.
No. 2 Round Shot and Rammers by Harold Peterson
No. 3 Field Artillery Weapons of the Civil War by Hazlett
No. 4 Artillery Through the Ages by the National Park Service
No. 5 Arms and Equipment of the Civil War by Coggins
So, head to Montana and shoot any mortar to compete in this contest. If you win it, you just might learn something new!
We do every day,
Mike and Tracy