Curious enough to ask... being the shoot is limited to 1/2 scale and under plus bowling ball mortars... I have two projects that are 2/3 scale on the exterior dimensions but 1/2 scale or less for the bores. Would they be allowed to "compete" at this event?
If someone drives 300-400 miles to shoot in our shoot, dragging a 2/3 scale 1/2 scale bore cannon we are not going to turn them away. You will be allowed to shoot all you want on load development day. You will be allowed to shoot the structured events where your gun is appropriate. FWIW, I am considering restricting the SAMCC big bore to less than 2 inches and perhaps smaller than 1/3 scale. You would not be allowed to shoot Fort Pallet.
Our range is not really big enough for big guns. We have 200 yards. There plenty of venues for the big guns. The venues for our little guns is limited. I am reluctant to even allow the bowling ball mortars. Our shoot is not about gamesmanship it is about having a good time learning how to shoot our little guns in the spirit of the original.
I am aware of a papered bowling ball howitzer that might show up at our match...I don't have any structured events it could shoot in. Now should we start seeing these guns show up, then I might consider creating an event for them and restricting them from others, but it would only be one event. I want to keep this shoot for the little guns. Be honest, don't you think if a bunch big guns started showing up they would over shadow the little guns real fast...
We all could build rifle bored 1/2 scale or smaller muzzle loading cannons with scope mounts and level Fort Pallet in minutes....that isn't what this shoot is about.
Our shoot is for the small guns shot in the style of the original. Our friend Rocklock clearly demonstrates busting waterjugs at 200 yardswith his smooth bore golf ball Parrot-gun that shooting accurately in the original manner is achievable--