Many Companies Like my old company had in house policies for each employee of 5X the previous years pay as a death benefit to their family or who ever they put as the beneficiary with HR. One guy had his wife for 1/2 and his two mistresses as 1/4 each. Only reason I know is he actually died and there was a huge blow up in the parking lot between the three women. It is not like my previous company would keep the $ if I died in a car wreck while working for them. This is the insurance policy program they used to provide us with that policy rather than going through the whole or term life insurance process for each employee and is a lot easier in a company that has a large turn over of employees.
There is nothing sinister/evil/ underhanded about the program.
Think of it as group Life insurance rather than group Dental or health and it is a perk or benefit that long list of companies offer employees for thier families in case something happens while they are working.