dont know about cadilacs benifits dee but i know that a assembly line worker in detroit makes a decent living. He is far from afluent though. he can probably afford a middle class home and a car and feed his family. Why should he take less then that when his bosses are flying around in private planes and living in multi million dollar homes. Its not the workers salerys that are choking the auto industry its the managment wage packages and golden parachutes and expense accounts and the just plain stupid decisisions theyve made over the years. As to benifts and wages i dont believe gms workers have much of a differnt wage package then ford or chrysler. One other thing you have to keep in mind with there wage level is the cost of living in detroit is much higher then it is in a rural area. Homes that cost a 100 grand up here in northern michigan cost 3 to 4 times more in the detroit area. Another thing is that the people in our age level could have easily went to detroit when we were young and got jobs there. Me, I wouldnt work there for twice the money there making. Everyone looks at everyone elses job and thinks there overpaid and have it made. Dee i believe you were a police officer. Now i could take the Michigan state police and critisize that package too. Many MI troppers get out of the accademy and come up north and never see a city for there whole carrier the most dangerous thing they do is pull over a drunk driver. they never get dirty and are in a heated air conditioned vehicle all day. With voluntary ot for drunk driving patrols and seat belt partrols then can easily make 80k a year. They work for 25 years and get a full retirement. What other job lets someone that young retire with a full retirement. Our tax dollars are paying for that too. Lloyd of your happy with supporting GM and their Cadillac benefits that they can't afford, and I can't afford for myself, then by all means buy a Chevy. I don't condemn any who do. I just wont' do it. They Are ungrateful, self-righteous, and feel they deserve it. I find it odd that folks whom don't believe in welfare support this.BTJM
So your sayin it's all right to bail out General Motors, and then watch them get on national TV, and lie to everyone saying they paid their loan back, when they didn't? I have owned free and clear two homes Lloyd, paid for with hard work, and sometimes working two and three part time jobs. No bailouts. I have taken a beating in the housing market here in Texas, managed to not loose my credit, carried the financing on a home because a bank couldn't, or wouldn't, and when I really couldn't afford to, and I lost my job LAST YEAR, and no one bailed me out thru any of it, and still haven't, nor have I asked anyone to. Now. if your in favor of the GM bailouts, and you seem to be, as I said, by all means Go Chevy. I myself am switching to Ford. They still have MORAL INTEGRITY, and they still make a good product, and they didn't ask for a handout, which GM is wanting another of.
If you have a problem with Michigan State troopers not being subjected to what you feel is "their fair share of danger", then petition the state to fire some of them, and when there is a major accident on a rual road, they can call an UAW employee to respond to render emergency aid, and you guys can just tolerate the drunk drivers, and drug users. I never go up there anyway so it won't affect me.
By the way Lloyd. Michigan State Patrol is a SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE STATE, and a not for profit organization that operates on a budget. General Motors is BUSINESS, that operates on PROFIT AND LOSS, and sells a PRODUCT. Know there is a difference.