Author Topic: SS1-022 come with sights?  (Read 1170 times)

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SS1-022 come with sights?
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:52:02 PM »
I couldn't wait for somebody to decide to part with their Mach2 so went down to WallMart today and ordered up a .22 (SS1-022). (Still looking for an HM2 though!)

The picture in the book showed scope mount and no sights. The guy at the counter didn't know. The H&R web site and Able Ammo web sites say comes with sights. Anybody bought a new one lately and know how they come (sights or scope rail)?

I'd like to get both the .22 mag and HMR barrels for it as soon as it gets here...they list them for $75 on the barrel accessory site but looking back at some old posts it sounded like maybe there was a fitting charge in addition to that. Anybody know if there is a fitting charge or not?

I'd also like to make the .22 (s/l/lr) into a pack rifle to use with cb's etc. for ptarmigan/grouse/rabbit when I'm on big game hunts, maybe shorten the barrel and put on skeleton stock/forend. As I looked at some of the barrel shortening posts it sounded like the .22 lr optimum length was around 17" but on the same post they said the Sportster barrel was optimum at factory length...that didn't make much sense to me, optimum length doesn't seem like it should depend on who made the barrel...anybody done testing to see what the optimum length for .22 lr Sportsters is?? 

I think I'm looking forward to this little rifle more than I have to any since Dad bought me a Model 94 30-30 back in 1958!  :D

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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 08:00:42 PM »
The current model SS1-022 should come with sights and is drilled and tapped for a scope rail.

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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2010, 08:05:23 PM »
Man, you are Quick, Quick!  :D

That's just what I was hoping you'd say! Sights are what I need for a pack rifle.

Thanks, again.
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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2010, 03:05:14 AM »
Optimum length to achieve max velo will depend on the brand of ammo used as well as the bore/groove dimensions, etc. Then there are the Fed.regulations of min. barrel length from muzzle to firing pin and rifle overall length to consider.
FWIW, my Sportster barrel shoots CBs well and quietly, as is.
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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 10:23:41 AM »
I'm sure leaving the barrel at full factory length would be the quietest but I'd like to have the rifle as compact and light weight as possible when broken down to carry in a pack. I've also understood from reading other posts that the longer the barrel the greater the chance of bullet from a cb or similar not making it out of the barrel. I haven't really made up my mind that I'll short the barrel...I'll probably try it as is for a hike or two around close to home to see how it works before I get out the hacksaw.

Now that you mention it, it does seem reasonable that variations in diameter and groove/land configuration would make the optimum length differ.

The optimum length for cb type ammunition is probably a LOT shorter than that for high/hyper velocity ammuniton so maybe I'll get another .22 barrel to short to minimum legal length for a pack rifle to use with cb ammunition along with the .22 mag and HMR ;D
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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2010, 07:28:41 AM »
There is a fitting charge for the extra barrel.
I got an 22 mag barrel for my HMR 17 and my advice is to forget the extra barrel and just get another Handi  altogether.
If you fit a second barrel , fit it with a scope etc you still only have one caliber you can use at a time.
If I had it to do over I would get two handies-a 17 HMR with a heavy barrel and a scope  ~4-16
and a 22 Mag. with the sporter barrel and a 3-9 scope.
That's what I would do if I would do it over and I still may get another receiver for my 22 mag.

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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2010, 01:27:31 PM »
Good information montveil.

I was hoping the $75 they list on the H&R site for a barrel included the fit since they won't sell the barrel without fitting it. With the charge for fitting and shipping, separate rifles are sounding better.

Do you remember about what they charged for fitting the barrel?

I've got a .22 lr on order now and I was headed for adding .22 mag sporter and HMR barrels as well as a second .22 lr to shorten and use as a pack rifle but it's sounding like the cost may be more than I hoped.

Maybe I'll just shorten the .22 lr that's coming and add a separate .22 mag. rifle (I was thinking one of the new 2-7 Redfields might work good on that) for now.

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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2010, 01:34:28 PM »
Barrel fitting and shipping charges are listed on the acc barrel order forum which you have to click to download, $25 fitting plus $19 shipping plus tax and the cost of shipping your frame to them really makes the rimfire accessory barrels unpractical when an entire rifle can be had for not much more or sometimes even less as montveil stated.

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Re: SS1-022 come with sights?
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2010, 02:12:44 PM »
So probably around $150 for a barrel by the time I'm done and I just ordered a .22 Sportster from WalMart for $144 + tax and I think the .22 mag is near the same.

Sounds like if I want to do barrels looking for them in the GBO classifieds and using the handy stickys on fitting them would be a lot more cost effective and more "fun" too  :D

Thanks Tim
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