wow thats quite a bronze casting , never heard of it before.
must be one of the worlds most extreme castings .
those detail pictures are incredible
of course it wouldnt be any problem to duplicate it today .
ok it would be lots of problems , but sure it would be possible to do it .
with a staff of a few hundred wax artists , same number of engravers , a hughe bronze foundry .
a large mechanical workshop , gold platers , free access of tin and copper .
and a lot of other experts that I forgot to mention here ,
and maybe 30 years time , but who would afford it ?? I dont
I dont know but I would guess that a piece like that maybe takes 50 years to create
or at least close to that
many of those hughe chatedrals had building times on 100 - 200 years from start to finished church
I guess you need a few more bags of investment gary , at least 2
start carving zulu , but be sure to document the build , the nextcomming 4 generations of carvers would like to know who made the first pieces
its a hughe piece , but you could never guess how hughe if it wasnt for the people to the left in the picture
its more then hughe