Annealing isn't necessary or advisable in this case, for either FB or RBT bullets. Hopefully the CS internal punches you will be receiving are made to enter the jacket mouth as the weights you want will require that. As to whether the jackets are the 'right' length to make OT or LT 8S bullets grain 170-180 all I can say is: "probably". You'll have to try a few test bullets to find out. As a new swager, keep detailed notes on what you do as they'll come in very handy when ordering future jackets and punches. I've been swaging for over 12 years and find my preliminary calculations as to jacket length never are exact. I have to refer to my notes as to what I used and did before. One thing to remember is that a desired specific weight, say 180 grains, is not as important as a constant weight. If, during your bullet work-up using a specific brand and length of jacket, and a specific lot of lead alloy, your 'perfect looking' bullet is 178.5 grains, go with it. ( Remember, most of the 'pure' lead you get will be an alloy and each lot will have a different density. This will affect not only swaging pressure, but jacket length: not much, but just enough for one lot of bullets to be ever-so-slightly different from another).