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Offline jwv

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Open carry
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:52:55 AM »
If the Governor signs it into law, it looks like the people of Oklahoma will be able to carry openly if they choose to. That would be for those who have a concealed carry permit.   This about House Bill 3354.         Jack

OKLAHOMA CITY (May 4, 2010) – State lawmakers voted today to allow Oklahomans with a handgun license to openly carry their weapon.

"The best offense is a good defense," said state Rep. Rex Duncan, R-Sand Springs. "The most effective way to deter criminals is to let them know immediately that they will face lethal resistance if they attempt to commit a crime."

House Bill 3354, by Duncan, would Oklahomans to openly carry a weapon if they have obtained a handgun license/concealed carry permit.

"This legislation should actually reduce the chance of violence," Duncan said. "A criminal is far less likely to attack once he sees a citizen is armed."

Duncan noted concealed carry license holders have a proven track record of behaving responsibly. State records show that nearly 36,000 concealed carry licenses were issued in 2009 and just 105 licenses were revoked that year. Nearly 97,000 Oklahomans currently have a concealed carry permit.

"The average citizen can clearly be trusted to handle a firearm responsibly when it is concealed," said Duncan, an attorney. "Why would we expect that to change if they are allowed to openly carry? It is clear that you can trust the average Oklahoman to behave responsibly."

House Bill 3354 passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives on a 74-24 vote today. It now proceeds to the governor.
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Offline mattmillerrx

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 03:05:36 PM »
I have been following this since I first heard about it a couple months ago.  I do not see to many guys going the open route in most situations, at least I hope note.  If people start carrying open in the metro area I expect to see several business putting up the little gun buster signs which will have a negative affect on the concealed guys as well.  However, I do like it for when I am in the country, going to the pasture, camping, fishing or other times I may want to carry a gun that is big and not easily concealed.

I think from a self-defense aspect concealed is a better option.  Will be interesting to see what happens with this, if the Gov. signs it, if people carry open everywhere what the backlash will be. ect.  I like having the law in our favor but also think it may hurt us on the concealed side of things.

I am all for this law, just hope people are smart about how they use it.

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 06:32:56 AM »
I support the change, but I don't think that it will change how I carry. Personally I think concealed is a better option.

Oklahoma is a pretty gun friendly state. The only places that I have encountered with a no gun sign have  been a few 7-11 stores, and this is a very recent development.

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 11:29:31 AM »
I've been watching it real closely also.
It's been a pretty hot topic on a local board.

As of right now it's passed all the legislative test and is on it's way to the Governor desk.
What happens there is anyone guess.

If you support this law I would encourage you to contact the Governors office and express support for his signing it.

I think for most people it will not matter as they prefer concealed carry anyway.
But for some, me included, it will give an additional option.
Sure make trips back and forth from my farm a little easier.
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Re: Open carry
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2010, 03:35:04 AM »
It appears that they're gonna try and over-ride the govenors veto.
If you support this law you might start contacting your rep. and sen.
Looks like the tougher battle will be in the senate so contact them for sure.
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Offline mattmillerrx

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2010, 02:29:11 PM »
I missed that he had vetoed the bill.  It is likely to be an uphill battle to overturn.  Hopefully, everyone hits the reps and sen. hard with there opinion and this thing will be passed.

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2010, 03:36:11 AM »
I think it will breeze right thru the house.
It's the senate that needs a little pressure.
It passed the senate by one vote if I remember correctly.
There's a couple over there that need to be reminded we are watching.
"All my life I've had a bad case of the Fred's. Fredrick Vanderbilt taste on a Fred Sanford budget." CR
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Offline jwv

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2010, 03:04:42 PM »
Well after being vetoed By Governor bonehead Henry, the override failed to. I don't know why the ones who voted for it suddenly lost their courage to vote for it again. Maybe there will be another day in the next session to try it then. I also noticed that Gov. Henry vetoed HB2994 that is the Firearms Freedom act. How does someone like that get a A+ rating from the NRA? I could be wrong on the A+ rating, but he does get support in a favorable rating from the NRA. Just goes to show a person should not be fooled by someone who pretends to be a believer in our 2nd. amendment and a good ole NRA member, when it comes time to stand up they won't.
        Well it shouldn't surprise us, Gov. Brad Henry and his AG wannabe Governor Drew Edmondson are the big supporters of the Muzzlim Barack Hussein Obama . I think that speaks volumes about them. One good thing is Gov. Henry's term is winding down.             Jack
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Re: Open carry
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2010, 04:01:06 PM »
There was originally plenty of votes in the house to over ride Brad Obama Henry.
Here is a list of those who didn't support in on the over ride vote.

TURNCOATs - Changed Vote from YEA on original vote to NAY on override vote -
Auffet ( D) (405) 557-7394
Carey (D) (405) 557-7366
Glenn (D) (405) 557-7399
Hoskin (D) (405) 557-7319
Inman (D) (405) 557-7370
Luttrell (D) (405) 557-7355
Rousselot (D) (405) 557-7388
Shoemake (D) (405) 557-7373

Buck (D) (405) 557-7383
Hilliard (D) (405) 557-7412
Kirby (R) (405) 557-7356
Morgan (D) (405) 557-7368
Morrissette (D) (405) 557-7404
Nations (D) (405) 557-7323
Smithson (D) (405) 557-7315

If any are yours you should remember they didn't support your constitutional rights next election and activily campaign against them.

The NRA rating was based on past support and the NRA questionaire.
They are not without blame on this either though.
They took a non=committal stance on it.
That will cost them for several years in a state that was for a long time a stronghold for them.

I think Barrack Henry is hoping for a federal judge appointment.
Hence his turncoat stance on this.
"All my life I've had a bad case of the Fred's. Fredrick Vanderbilt taste on a Fred Sanford budget." CR
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Offline jwv

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2010, 04:50:34 AM »
Well maybe someone can tell us why the NRA is NOT supporting gun rights legislation? What is their problem with open carry? It  is my understanding that about 41 states have open carry or some form of it, so does the NRA not support it in those states?
They took a non=committal stance on it.

The NRA rating was based on past support and the NRA questionaire
 So that's all it takes to get those approval ratings? Makes you wonder how many more turn coats or false supporters there are in that organization. The NRA should at least be able to tell people why they have a problem with open carry or why they don't support it. Sitting on a fence trying to be politically correct STINKS. I use to think the NRA was a good organization, NOT anymore. I guess it's all about their money.          Jack
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Re: Open carry
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2010, 11:37:52 AM »
Well they also down grade after voting against gun legislation.
But that won't help any with this.
Most of those chums got thier rating last year.

I'm a little torked off at the NRA's non-committal attitude about this.
They won't be getting any new money from me.
But let's try not to make this a NRA issue.
Those legislators did the voting or lack of, not the NRA.
"All my life I've had a bad case of the Fred's. Fredrick Vanderbilt taste on a Fred Sanford budget." CR
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Offline jwv

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2010, 03:21:50 PM »
I agree the Gov. and the legislators are to blame. As for the NRA I will NEVER be part of that group, their actions speak loud and clear to me. HB 3354 was back on the calendar today to be voted on again but they have not taken a vote as of yet.               Jack
ObamaCare-----When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty.     Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2010, 06:55:27 AM »
There was originally plenty of votes in the house to over ride Brad Obama Henry.
Here is a list of those who didn't support in on the over ride vote.

TURNCOATs - Changed Vote from YEA on original vote to NAY on override vote -
Auffet ( D) (405) 557-7394
Carey (D) (405) 557-7366
Glenn (D) (405) 557-7399
Hoskin (D) (405) 557-7319
Inman (D) (405) 557-7370
Luttrell (D) (405) 557-7355
Rousselot (D) (405) 557-7388
Shoemake (D) (405) 557-7373

Buck (D) (405) 557-7383
Hilliard (D) (405) 557-7412
Kirby (R) (405) 557-7356
Morgan (D) (405) 557-7368  a conservative district. What’s this guy costing you folks down in Seminole county?
Morrissette (D) (405) 557-7404 The mouthpiece of the liberal masses.
Nations (D) (405) 557-7323
Smithson (D) (405) 557-7315

If any are yours you should remember they didn't support your constitutional rights next election and activily campaign against them.

I think Barrack Henry is hoping for a federal judge appointment.
Hence his turncoat stance on this.
Bumping this list for you guys to see hopefully before you vote today.
"All my life I've had a bad case of the Fred's. Fredrick Vanderbilt taste on a Fred Sanford budget." CR
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Offline Old Fart

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Re: Open carry
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2012, 05:57:49 AM »
There are three house bills floating around in the seante that need our helps.
HB2416 Riot Prevention/Accidental Exposure
HB2988 Expands the Castle Doctrine
Please make two phone calls.
Call the President Pro Temp, Senator Brian Bingman and
politely ask him to make sure that the Public Safety Committee holds another meeting so
these two critical bills have a chance to be heard in committee. His phone number is
405-521-5528 and his email address is

Then call the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Senator Barrington, and politely
ask him if to give HB2416 and HB2988 a hearing if he has another committee meeting.
His phone number is 405-521-5563 and his email address is
HB2522: Open Carry
We still need to call out local senators encouraging passing it.
It is a shame that Oklahoma is not one of the 43 states that allow open carry.
Even if you don't plan to OC you should be supporting this and any other Pro-2nd Ammendment bills.
"All my life I've had a bad case of the Fred's. Fredrick Vanderbilt taste on a Fred Sanford budget." CR
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