just got back from the range, first powder i tried was AA2460 24gr, 24.5gr & 25gr 10 rounds each, the 25gr charge shot the best groups approx 2.5", the next powder i tried was H322 24.5gr & 25grs 5 rounds each, 25gr charge out shot the 24.5gr by .5" at just under a 2" group, third powder i tried was IMR 3031 24gr & 24.5gr charges, the 24.5gr outshot all of them at just over 1", all groups were at 100yrds, all loads were topped with 40gr NOS BT and same COL for all. Groups were tighter with all 3 powders at the highest charges i had loaded, i had fired about 35 rounds of some FMJ's i had laying around, cleaning it after each shot for 10 rounds, then every 5 for the next 25 shots, then every 10 rounds with my handloads, very impressed with the rifle so far, and that handi-grip stock is awesome IMO!! I have high rings on there, cause it was the only set i had laying around and the cheekpiece is definately functional, thought it might be to low from the pics on the net, but with a set of medium rings it will be even better. Well its back to work up some more loads, any input or advice would be appreciated! thanks in advance!