...but the owner operators refuse to talk about it...
Another radioactive leak at Oyster Creek Nuke Plant into Barnegat Bay, NJ, but owners aren't talking about the leak..? which is reportedly 20 gallons per minute...This is one of the oldest nuke plants in the USA...NOW THE TAXPAYER IS ABOUT TO GET A LESSON IN THE REAL COSTS OF NUCLEAR POWER...DECOMMISSIONING AND CLEANUPS.
http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/top_three/article_ebddb4fc-9249-11de-ab1e-001cc4c002e0.htmlOwners of Oyster Creek nuclear plant may not release leak information
By Paul Cox/The Star-Ledger
June 29, 2009, 1:06PM
Star-LedgerAerial photos of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Power plant.
LACEY TOWNSHIP -- The Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in New Jersey thinks it knows what caused a leak of radioactive tritium --
but it won't share the information with the public. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said a report addresses groundwater contaminated with tritium, some of which may be entering a cooling canal flowing into Barnegat Bay in undetectable levels.
Full coverage of The Oyster Creek Nuclear Plant
Plant spokesman David Benson said the report, which was given to the NRC, is an internal company document meant only for engineers.
But the NRC may include it in an inspection report it plans to release in about six weeks.
The nation's oldest commercial nuclear power plant got a new 20-year license in April. It will be 60 years old at the end of the new license.