Author Topic: stuck pistol case 357  (Read 940 times)

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stuck pistol case 357
« on: May 08, 2010, 08:02:52 AM »
How do I remove a stuck pistol case?
Checked the RCBS web site, but this isn't a rifle style die, cant remove the nut at the top.
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug

Offline Dee

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 08:35:09 AM »
I assume it is a resizing die? Put the die in the freeze for a couple of hours. Have everything ready when you take it out, and punch the casing out from the top. If you can't do that, then give more details on die configuration.
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Offline snapcrackpop

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2010, 08:59:45 AM »
I think I didn't have the proper case holder or enough lube, but now I can't screw the depriming rod out far enough to drill out the primer hole.  I might have to ruin the depriming pin... 
On my rifle dies you can remove the whole depriming pin and screw, but not on this pistol die.

I've got a .357 mag/.38 special 3 die set, how do I use it for Max shells?
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug

Offline Dee

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2010, 10:06:48 AM »
Is the case head flush against the bottomof the die?
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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 01:11:31 PM »
No, but the rim of the case pulled out of the case holder a couple of times, then grabbing onto it with a pliers didn't work...

Here is the one on RCBS web site:
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 03:04:13 PM »
Shouldn't ruin the pin but might bend the stem.  Use the decapping stem as a jack-screw to force the case out.  You might have to grab it with a pair of vise-grips to get enough torque on it.

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 03:22:11 PM »
If you can't remove the decapping pin and stem, you have had other issues going on besides a case with out enough lube. It sounds like you have jammed the decapping stem into the bottom of the case. You should be able to easily remove the stem, by loosing the jam nut on top and unscrewing the whole stem out. If the pin is sticking below the case head, you can put pressure on the pin while backing out the stem by putting a flat piece of steel across the top of the ram. While pulling down on the handle with one hand at the same time turn out the stem. Just do not put too much down pressure on the handle, just enough to help push on it while you turn out the stem. If that does not work, you may have to get yourself a good pair of channel locks and grab a hold of the stem and man handle it out, of course that is going to ruin it, but you can get replacement parts for it. Once you have the stem out, get a piece of all thread or looong bolt that is 1/4" X 28tpi. Turn it down into the die top until it bottoms on the case and the force it to turn until it pushes the case out. Or cut a 1/8" steel rod, just long enough to stick out the top of the die. Tap it with a hammer, increasing the force until the case comes out (while the die is in the press of course). Or you could throw away the die and buy a good carbide die. Don't buy the whole set, just the carbide sizing die. Then you do not have to worry about how much lube you use. Good Luck and Good Shooting
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Offline Dee

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 03:30:18 PM »
Ok, here's how to remove it. Take the locking ring off the die and put the die in the freezer for about an hour. After it's good and cold, take it our, and either with a piece of leather, or a thick rag wrapped around it, put it in a vice with the shell casing stick out past the jaws of the vice. Lock a pair of vice grips on the shell casing head and pull it out with the nose of the vice grips resting on the vise jaws. Even if you end up crushing the case head your ok, and if that happens you can drive a sliver of wooden dow rod down the side of the casing and crush it to were it will pull out.
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Offline gman628

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2010, 03:11:32 AM »
If you don't have any luck with any of the above, try calling RCBS, they may remove it for free.  I had a rifle case get stuck in a Redding die, and they removed it and polished the die, all I paid was the price to ship it to them.


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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2010, 03:24:14 AM »
I forgot to also tell you, sometimes if you don't have enough case head to get a hold of, you can screw a tight fitting sheet metal screw into the primer flash hole and use it to pull the casing out.
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Re: stuck pistol case 357?
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2010, 03:57:22 AM »
I don't understand. 

You have a stuck case in a .357 die and can't remove the decapper stem?  In my straight wall sizer dies the decapper never touches the case walls so it unscrews and lifts right out.  ???
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2010, 04:00:57 AM »
rcbs pistol dies dont alloy you to take the pin out from the top. Luckily its a cabide die and the case will probably come out easily if you follow Dees advice.  My guess is you didnt have the right case holder on the press. Its about the only way to stick a case in a carbide die. If you can't remove the decapping pin and stem, you have had other issues going on besides a case with out enough lube. It sounds like you have jammed the decapping stem into the bottom of the case. You should be able to easily remove the stem, by loosing the jam nut on top and unscrewing the whole stem out. If the pin is sticking below the case head, you can put pressure on the pin while backing out the stem by putting a flat piece of steel across the top of the ram. While pulling down on the handle with one hand at the same time turn out the stem. Just do not put too much down pressure on the handle, just enough to help push on it while you turn out the stem. If that does not work, you may have to get yourself a good pair of channel locks and grab a hold of the stem and man handle it out, of course that is going to ruin it, but you can get replacement parts for it. Once you have the stem out, get a piece of all thread or looong bolt that is 1/4" X 28tpi. Turn it down into the die top until it bottoms on the case and the force it to turn until it pushes the case out. Or cut a 1/8" steel rod, just long enough to stick out the top of the die. Tap it with a hammer, increasing the force until the case comes out (while the die is in the press of course). Or you could throw away the die and buy a good carbide die. Don't buy the whole set, just the carbide sizing die. Then you do not have to worry about how much lube you use. Good Luck and Good Shooting
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Offline snapcrackpop

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2010, 06:39:28 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.
It is a Steel Die, not the carbide set(didn't see a steel set listed on RCBS's site), but this picture I used looks just like it (the one on the left).

Can't remove the decapping pin and stem, but I can move it up and down several turns before it gets tight.
I don't own a vice (another thing to put on my list).  I'll try the freezer and a couple of vise grips.

If that doesn't work I'll call RCBS on Monday and see what they suggest.

Might just dump this set and order a new carbide set while I'm at it, because I don't think I can use this set for the Max anyways...
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug

Offline snapcrackpop

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2010, 06:53:27 AM »
Looks like I should be able to screw it out the top.....
That screwdriver slot is so soft!  GRRRR.
I guess I'll clamp a vice grip on it and keep backing it out.
Looks like I'll be ordering some parts.

What about this Max thing? Will this set work? It only lists 38 special and 357 mag on it.  In the kit is one metal ring to make it a Mag......?
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2010, 07:39:36 AM »
What about this Max thing? Will this set work? It only lists 38 special and 357 mag on it.  In the kit is one metal ring to make it a Mag......?

Yes , you can use this die set to size & load 357 MAX rounds , however you will NOT be doing a true FL sizing as the die is not deep enough to do the whole case body , sort of like doing a neck sizing on a bottle neck round .

Set the sizing die up for 38 spl as normal , then back it off the shell holder .450 or about 1/2" and tighten the lock ring  , this will give you he difference betweem a 38 spl and the 357 Max case leinght .

Once that is done you will be able to size all but about the botton 1/2" of the case , for shooting in a Handi this will not make a problem , for a revolver it may not work though .

As for the case belling and bullet seating , your going to have to do the same thing .


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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2010, 04:05:34 AM »

Might just dump this set and order a new carbide set while I'm at it, because I don't think I can use this set for the Max anyways...

Check to see if you can get the Carbide Size die ONLY  may be less expensive than buying a complete set
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Offline snapcrackpop

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Re: stuck pistol case 357
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 11:11:27 AM »
Unlike the diagram there is NO WAY that depriming rod was going to screw out the top, pliers or no pliers.  Luckly the gunsmith was able to put it in the vice and using a vicegrip was able to pull out the brass.

So I'm good to go and RCBS is sending me a spare depriming rod.

Thanks for the suggestions and help.

Now, more lube, clean cases and correct shell holder and I'm ready to go!
Handi VP 22/410, 410, 20, 17M2, .223, 357MAX, 50cal ML SS w/MU plug