This is my 1st 223,, 2
Sure is fun too shoot. Interesting thing I discovered,,I put a cheap mil-dot scope on it, onna them from wallyworld, recomended by one of the gents here, cheap enough I figured I'd try it.
Well I never messed with the "dot's" part till I found a load I liked,,settled on the 55grn Nos B-tip and decided to see what the dot's would do at different ranges with it cranked to the top magnification (wrong, according to the instructions, sposta be at 10X).
Anyway's, what I discovered about the load, is if the main retical is on at 50,,it's on again at 200!

Now I was messin with the dot's for target and ran out of bullets and time, so I didn't get an exact measure at 100, but it was only about an 1.25-1.5 high.
223,,it's fun ta shoot