Well I am cheap, I have the Lee 20 pound bottom pour pot, And it dose have its flaws, But for the price I will live with it, the three problems most complain about the Lee , 1st would be the temp control, I have had 3 lee pots over the years, none ran the same, it took some getting use to on the heat range, 2nd would be the spout dripping, The Lee dose not like any junk in the mix, if you use clean alloy and flux well, I don’t have a problem with this either, and the final complaint on the Lee, would be the cheap mould guide they put on them, with a little trial and error, I made one out of Aluminum angle and a piece of oak board, that works great. Of the 3 Lee pots I have owned none ever quit on me, I sold the two previous they still worked, the first was a dipper type, too slow, the second was a 10 pound production pot, This one is the 20 pound bottom pour, its been going strong for the last five years, and I casts with 6 different Lyman 4 cavity molds. One other complaint I have heard on the Lee pot was rust, but I would suspect these guys are using Marvelux flux, that stuff will rust anything.