I just posted a RCBS Chargemaster on a popular buying/selling site but, honestly, I think the Lyman 1200 III is a better value. It is smaller and more compact, equilibrates quicker, and can download data if need be. I found the ramp up speed in the Lyman to be more uniform. Whereas in the RCBS I found that it starts off sounding like a turbine releasing the majority of charge pretty quickly, but once it gets within ~5/10 of a grain of the intended charge, it's motion became very sporadic. With the Lyman there wasn't this kind of anticipation. You knew when it would be done.
Regarding accuracy, they are accurate to a 1/10th of a grain. My smaller RCBS digital scale is significantly less accurate due to the open-air design.
They definitely save time and without sacrificing accuracy. Just a question if you want to spend the $ in my mind.
I think my RCBS Partner scale is crapping out on me. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should replace it with? I've been looking at RCBS 750 for about $120.00, but I saw one in Midsouth that was a dispenser/scale combo for $199.00. Anyone have any experience with Smartreloader?