We had a cast bullet rifle assc. match Sat. and I took the Doms MB-2 soda can mortar that I had him make with a 11 in. barrel for shooting after the match, I found that the chamber full to the chambers lead holds 3/4 oz. of GOEX 2FF, I used the 1/2 soda can and the full lenght can filled with Menards concert mix and let the cans dry inside for 2 weeks. I used the Harbor Frieght finder and that works great. The sled was on a slop so the reading wasnt true, It will be the best to put a bubble lever on the sled to find a level area first. The rifle ranges back target fram is 200 yds., and behind that is a bean field, The full can of cement went 240 yds. The 1/2 can will go 275 yds. There was ladys in there 80s out there watching this also,It was worth all the work to see everone enjoying the fun.If it wasnt for finding this web site and DD for the help it would of never happend. Thanks Dom for a great job and a safe barrel. Next shoot- BB mortar, Joe- Iowa